One More Time! Bypass Ragnarok Online 2 SEA Country Block

Here is another easy and quick way of bypassing the country block or IP block of Ragnarok Online 2 SEA using WTFast.

Dragon Nest SEA, Step-By-Step Guide, How To Register Or Sign-Up Successfully ~ Free Play MMO

An easy to follow guide on how to register or sign-up in Dragon Nest SEA specially for those who are having problems creating and account.

Drakensang Online Close Beta In Friendster

Drakensang Online In Friendster Drakensang Online is currently in Close Beta in Friendster.

Drakensang Online Close Beta In Friendster

Drakensang Online In Friendster Drakensang Online is currently in Close Beta in Friendster.

Drakensang Online Close Beta In Friendster

Drakensang Online In Friendster Drakensang Online is currently in Close Beta in Friendster.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How To Get A Free VIP Gametime For City Of Heroes?

City Of Heroes now has a Free Account option. With a Free Account, you will be able to play City Of Heroes for FREE but with certain limits. These limits won't seriously affect how you play the game but they can be annoying. If you wish to play City Of Heroes without any limits then you must upgrade your account from Free to VIP and you can do that by paying a monthly fee of $14.99.

City Of Heroes Referral Page(City Of Heroes Referral Page)

Sounds pricey for a supposedly Free-To-Play MMO? Well, the good news is, if your account is already a VIP then you can continue playing as a VIP by inviting your friends to play City Of Heroes with you. City Of Heroes will award your account with a Free 30 Days Game Time, if and only if, your friend or friends decide to become VIP players as well.

For example, if you invite 10 friends to play City Of Heroes and 6 of them decided to upgrade their account from Free to VIP by paying the monthly subscription fee of $14.99 then you will receive 180 days of Game Time for FREE. Now, that is 180 days of Free VIP Game Time and your friend will also get 500 Paragon Points for FREE.

You can invite a friend to join City Of Heroes through your NCSoft Master Account or through the Paragon Market in-game. The instructions on how to accomplish this can be found on this page, Community Referral Program.

Remember, if your account is currently a VIP account then don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity. Who knows, you might get some Free VIP Game Time in City Of Heroes.

To start playing City Of Heroes for FREE, click here!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free Dragon Nest SEA Accounts

For some weird reason, a lot of you are having problems creating an account in Dragon Nest SEA. Creating an account is really very simple but if you are having problems or errors then below are some Dragon Nest SEA accounts that you can use.

Dragon Nest SEA Website
(Dragon Nest SEA Official Website)

If you do use one of the listed accounts then please put a comment saying which account you used so that I can cross it out.

Also, do not forget to immediately change your e-mail, password and PIN by logging in to the account you want to use.
  • Game ID: dnsea101
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dnsea102
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dnsea103
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dnsea104
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dnsea105
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest
Update (06/08/2012)
  • Full Name: Diwa Wata
    Default Game ID: diwawata2012
    Secret Question: What is my pet's name?
    Answer: bantay
    6-Digit Security PIN: 123456
    Password: dragonnest
By the way, if the account doesn't work then someone could have taken it and used it ahead of you but forgot to post a comment to inform everyone about it.

Disclaimer: I created these accounts to help those who are having problems signing-up or creating an account in Dragon Nest SEA. You will be responsible for the security of the account by changing the e-mail, password and PIN of the account you used. If you don't then anyone can take it from you and use it.

To start playing Dragon Nest SEA for FREE, click here!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bigpoint Might Pick-Up and Co-Publish Star Trek: Infinite Space

Because of the recent happenings within Gameforge, the survival of Star Trek: Infinite Space is currently hanging by a thread if no one helps out to co-publish the game. Fortunately, Bigpoint has expressed an interest in co-publishing the game with Gameforge. Does this mean that Star Trek: Infinite Space will be published as scheduled?

Star Trek: Infinite Space

Unfortunately, an agreement between the two publishers has not yet been reached. If this is true then Gameforge should definitely grab this opportunity specially if they want to save the game from cancellation. They were looking for a co-publisher for Star Trek: Infinite Space before and, with Bigpoint expressing an interest, it looks like they might just get one.

Star Trek: Infinite Space is a Space Sci-Fi Themed MMO based on Star Trek Deep Space Nine series. From what I've seen in some of the video trailers of the game, the action in Star Trek: Infinite Space all happens in space. None of the video trailers showed any planetary combat or exploration.

Currently, the planned or scheduled Beta for Star Trek: Infinite is on-hold while Gameforge searches for a co-publisher for the game and that co-publisher, if everything turns out okay, could be Bigpoint. Obviously, the Beta of Star Trek: Infinite Space will proceed once Gameforge finds a co-publisher for it.

Star Trek: Infinite Space

Until then, you will just have to sit back and wait. If you can't wait to get your Star Trek fix then you can always try Star Trek Online by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment. It's a different game by a different company but both are based on the Star Trek license.

To learn more about Star Trek: Infinite Space, click here!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

US Players Should Sign-Up With Dragon Nest NA (Nexon) And Not WithDragon Nest SEA

It looks like many players from the US are trying to register or sign-up in Dragon Nest SEA and, obviously, they are having problems with it because US players are blocked from Dragon Nest SEA. Instead of trying to sign-up in Dragon Nest SEA, US players should try signing-up in Dragon Nest NA which is published by Nexon.

Dragon Nest SEA

I am basing my observation from the number of US visitors that visited my post titled "Dragon Nest SEA, Registration Error, New Players Can’t Register". This post got 2.41K visits from the US from October 23, 2011 to November 22, 2011. It just shows that many players from the US are having problems creating an account in Dragon Nest.

Most of my post about Dragon Nest are for Dragon Nest SEA so, my guess is, these players from the US are trying to sign-up in Dragon Nest SEA instead of Dragon Nest NA. Besides, I don't think they will get an error if they sign-up in Dragon Nest NA because Dragon Nest NA is the correct server and region for them.

Dragon Nest SEA

Players from the following countries are blocked from signing-up and playing in Dragon Nest SEA.

  1. Korea
  2. Japan
  3. United States of America
  4. Canada
  5. Taiwan
  6. China
  7. Australia
  8. Thailand
If you are from any of the listed countries then I would not bother signing-up in Dragon Nest SEA because you'll just get an error. See if your country or region has its own Dragon Nest server and sign-up in it instead of Dragon Nest SEA.

To play in Dragon Nest SEA for FREE, click here!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How To Register An Account In Dragon Nest SEA?

Some, if not many, players are having issues in signing-up or registering a new account in Dragon Nest SEA. I have no idea why these players are having such a hard time signing-up. The only reason I could think of, as to why players can't sign-up or register is, if they are in the countries blocked by Dragon Nest SEA from accessing the game like Korea, Japan, United States of America, Canada, Taiwan, China, Australia and Thailand.

Dragon Nest SEA Official Website

From what I've read in the announcement, the reason for the IP block is because these countries have their own localized version of Dragon Nest. US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are under Dragon Nest NA which is published by Nexon. If you can't play in Dragon Nest SEA then try playing in Dragon Nest NA. As for EU or European players, I think they can still play in Dragon Nest SEA but that might change once Dragon Nest EU starts operating.

Okay, for those players who are not blocked by Dragon Nest SEA but who are having problems signing-up, here is a simple guide on how to sign-up or register a new Dragon Nest SEA account for FREE.
  1. Visit the official website of Dragon Nest SEA
  2. Click on the Sign-Up link located at the top-right corner of the website
  3. Fill-up the form with your e-mail address, game ID, password and text from the anti-spam image
  4. Agree to the TOS and Privacy Policy of the game by clicking on the check box and finally click on the Sign-Up button to process your application

Dragon Nest Sign-Up Form

After that, an activation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you used to sign-up for Dragon Nest SEA. You must check your e-mail for the activation e-mail and you must click on the provided activation link to activate your Dragon Nest SEA account. It will open a new page where you must enter the displayed image code in the text box to finalize the activation.

Dragon Nest SEA Activation

By the way, you can't sign-up accounts one after the other. The sign-up process has a limit on how many accounts can be registered per IP address. If you are planning on creating more than one Dragon Nest SEA account then wait for a few moments before trying to sign-up again. I guess they are trying to limit the amount of account created by spammers in-game.

Anyway, I was able to sign-up a few accounts today because I needed to get information and screenshots for this blog post. If you are having problems signing-up then you could probably use one of them. Just make sure to change the password and pin immediately so that only you can use the account. Please place a comment if you did use one of the listed Dragon Nest SEA accounts so that I could cross them out.
  • Game ID: dragonnest0001
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 337052
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dragonnest0002
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 708353
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dragonnest0005
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 556007
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dragonnest0006
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 416602
    Password: dragonnest
Update (11/25/2011): Still having trouble registering in Dragon Nest SEA? Why? I just registered two new accounts successfully. See them below.
  • Game ID: dnsea007
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: dnsea008
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: benten2011
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Game ID: krisbernal01
    Cherry Exchange Login ID is:
    Your Temporary PIN is: 123456
    Password: dragonnest
Update (06/08/2012)
  • Default Game ID: cocomartin2012
    Secret Question: What is my pet's name?
    Answer: bantay
    6-Digit Security PIN: 123456
    Password: dragonnest

  • Default Game ID: peterpenduko2012
    Secret Question: What is my pet's name?
    Answer: bantay
    6-Digit Security PIN: 123456
    Password: dragonnest
Disclaimer: If you choose to use any of these accounts then it will be your responsibility to properly secure them by changing e-mails, passwords and pins. I will not be held responsible for any problems or issues you might encounter while using these accounts.

To play Dragon Nest SEA for FREE, click here!

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Star Trek Online Launcher Problem, Here is a Quick Fix

Just recently, I was having problems with Star Trek Online's game launcher. For some unknown reason, Star Trek Online's game launcher wouldn't launch. Instead, it's giving out some weird error message. The error message it was giving out was this, "Patcher Error: The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function." I have no freaking idea what it meant but it was keeping me from playing Star Trek Online.

Star Trek Online

I tried a hundred times before deciding it was time to seek Mr. Google's help and that I did. I searched for "Patcher Error: The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function" and came upon some good results. In fact, the results all linked to the official Star Trek Online forum and, it seems that, I was not the only one who had the same problem.

Fortunately, one forum member posted a quick solution and it involved replacing the non-working Star Trek Online game launcher with a working one. The post also contained a link to download a working Star Trek Online game launcher. What I did was, I downloaded the working Star Trek Online game launcher, scanned it for viruses, renamed my existing Star Trek Online and copied over the new Star Trek Online game launcher.

Star Trek Online Launcher Quick Fix

After doing all of that, I tried to run the game launcher again and it finally worked. I was able to log-in to my account, update my copy of Star Trek Online with the latest patch, enter the game and play.

If you would like to go over the entire discussion thread about this problem then simply head-on over to the official forum of Star Trek Online and view this thread titled "Patcher Error". The post about the quick fix is on page 5 of the thread and it also includes a link to download a working copy of Star Trek Online's game launcher.

So, if you are having the same problem with Star Trek Online's game launcher then try the quick fix mentioned here and see if it will actually fix your problem. Don't forget to check out the original post at the official forum of Star Trek Online so you can download a working copy of the game launcher.

To view the original post at the official Star Trek Online website, click here!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hellgate Global is NOT Free-To-Play

Hellgate Global or Hellgate Eternity just made an announcement that caught everyone waiting for the Open Beta launch by surprise. It seems that Hellgate is not actually Free-To-Play because, now, you'll have to pay a Ticket to access areas pass Act 2. So, players can play the game for Free up to Act 2 only, beyond that, they'll have to shell out some cash to continue playing.

Hellgate Global or Hellgate Eternity is Not Free-To-Play

What they are offering is more like a Free Unlimited Trial where you can play as long as you like but you are locked-in a particular area. Star Trek Online is an example of an MMO that offers a Free Unlimited Trial or Free Demo. You can play as long you like but you are limited to the Tutorial Area and, at least, the "Stranded in Space" episode. If you want to go beyond that then you'll have to buy the game and subscribe.

Another example of an MMO that has a Free Unlimited Trial is Age of Conan. You can download the game for free and play in the tutorial zone as much as you like, as long as you like but if you wish to move on then you'll have to subscribe. Of course, this will change later this year when Age of Conan goes Free-To-Play.

As you can see, what Hellgate is offering is not Free-To-Play but a Free Unlimited Trial. Calling Hellgate Free-To-Play since the Close Beta Test have mislead a lot of players. Players were expecting to play the game for Free and purchase additional gameplay items in the Cash Shop or Item Mall but now they'll have to buy Tickets to access the game beyond Act 2.

Hellgate Global Open Beta

Intentional or not, the publisher of Hellgate should have not called the game Free-To-Play when what they're going to offer is really just a Free Unlimited Trial or Demo. Calling it Free-To-Play has mislead a lot of players and some of them are strongly voicing out their objection about it. Of course, the other side of the camp are also voicing out their own objections against Free Players or Cheap Ass Whiners as they like to call them. LOL!

Hellgate's Forum is on fire and below is my favorite post.
Thank you for effectively blocking all the poor and cheap ass players from advancing passed Act 2. Thats less areas for them to hang out at and lower the value of the surrounding real estate. Ever seen a house in an area with a private school nearby? All white people and none of those smelly minorities. Ever seen the houses near a....*chokes*...public school? Just makes me cringe with all the hood rats and nappy headed hoes. Now even in my gaming time I can discriminate against them and go to places they never will. God bless America! - Coors

Update: The thread where the post above is posted has been removed. At least, the Mods are doing their jobs now. LOL

I'm somewhat looking forward on playing Hellgate but not anymore. I was expecting a Free-To-Play game and now that it's only a Free Unlimited Trial, playing it will only be a waste of time.

To play the Unlimited Trial of Hellgate Eternity for FREE, click here!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to Get Gold Coins in Super Hero Squad Online

In Super Hero Squad Online, most of the good stuff in the Store or Shop can only be purchased with Gold Coins. The question now is, how to get these Gold Coins in Super Hero Squad Online? Well, I was able to get some Gold Coins for my Super Hero Squad Online account and I used those Gold Coins to buy new heroes for my squad.

Prize Wheel, Super Hero Squad Online

Getting Gold Coins is not as easy as getting Silver Coins. You can get Silver Coins by finding Stars hidden all over the zone you are in or you can do missions over and over because missions award Silver Coins or you can hunt down Trouble Bots because destroying them will give you Tickets that you can use on the Prize Wheel where you can win Silver Coins.

Okay, now we know how to get Silver Coins but how do we get Gold Coins in Super Hero Squad Online? I know a few ways of getting Gold Coins in Super Hero Squad Online and they are:

  1. Create a New Super Hero Squad Online Account
  2. Subscribe to Super Hero Squad Online and watch out for freebies and bonus code give-a-way
  3. Become a Junior SHIELD Agent by purchasing a membership
  4. Become a Junior SHIELD Agent by using a special promo code

Create a New Super Hero Squad Online Account

With a new Super Hero Squad Online account, you will be able to go through the tutorial once again where you will be given a few Prize Wheel Tickets and you can use this Tickets on the Prize Wheel to win some Gold Coins. Unfortunately, it's only part of the tutorial and, if my memory is correct, you'll have to use the Gold Coins to buy a couple of heroes in the Shop or Store.

Watch Out for Freebies and Bonus Code Give-A-Ways

If you are subscribed to received e-mails from Super Hero Squad Online then you might be able to get Gold Coins from it. Recently, Super Hero Squad Online sent an e-mail with a Code that gave players some Free Gold Coins to get them started. They also sent a survey where participants were given a Code that gave them 25 Prize Wheel Tickets for FREE.

Super Hero Squad Online Store

Become a Junior SHIELD Agent, Purchase a Membership

The easiest way of getting Gold Coins in Super Hero Squad Online is by becoming a Junior SHIELD Agent. This is a premium membership and will cost you at least $9.95 USD a month. As a paid member or a Junior SHIELD Agent, you will get 500 Gold Coins every month for FREE. You will also be able to win Gold Coins in the Prize Wheel everyday.

Become a Junior SHIELD Agent with a Special Promo Code

You can also get Gold Coins by becoming a Junior SHIELD Agent with the help of a Special Promo Code. Of course, these Special Promo Codes won't last very long. They were only released to Promote or get new players to sign-up and play the game. The last time I used these Special Promo Codes, they were still active and working. If you want to know what these Special Promo Codes are then please read Get Tuxedo Thing And A Free Junior SHIELD Agent Upgrade in Super Hero Squad Online and How to Get Hulkbuster Iron Man in Super Hero Squad Online.

Super Hero Squad Online

Now you know how to get Gold Coins in Super Hero Squad Online and if you have not yet tried playing Super Hero Squad Online then maybe it's time you did. It's a Free-To-Play MMO and it features all your favorite Marvel Super Heroes like Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Cyclops, etc. and Super Villains like Doctor Octopus, Doc Doom, Super Skrull, Magneto and others.

Also, if you are looking for a game that your kids can play safely online then Super Hero Squad Online is the game you are looking for. I'm playing it and my kids are playing it too.

To sign-up for a free Super Hero Squad Online account, Click Here!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Tuxedo Thing And A Free Junior SHIELD Agent Upgrade in Super HeroSquad Online

Yup, you read that right. You can get Tuxedo Thing and a Junior SHIELD Agent upgrade in Super Hero Squad Online for Free by simply using a Special Promo Code. I learned about it while I was destroying droids and collecting stars in the Daily Bugle Zone in-game. There was a group of Heroes near the Prize Wheel and they were talking about it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't intentional. I was passing by when I overheard, or in this case, read-in-chat what they were talking about. Coincidentally, they were talking about some special promo code that, when used, will give you a Free Junior SHIELD Agent upgrade and a Free Hero.

Tuxedo Thing
(Free Hero from the Promo Code, Tuxedo Thing)

Luckily, the code wasn't your typical 16-digit code, in fact, it was very easy to remember. I immediately accessed my Super Hero Squad Online account page and redeemed the Special Promo Code. The code was applied successfully to my account and when I went back in-game, a new Hero was added to my Squad. My account was also upgraded to Junior SHIELD Agent for Free and the Hero that was added to my Squad was, none other than, Tuxedo Thing.

As a Junior SHIELD Agent, I was able to acquire some Gold Coins from the Prize Wheel and I was able to access the Agents Only section of the Store where I was able to buy a new Hero namely Ultimate Thor for only 3,000 Silver Coins. Getting Ultimate Thor was awesome, he looks bad-ass, deals massive damage during missions and can fly around the different Zones.

Ultimate Thor
(Purchased Ultimate Thor for 3,000 Silver Coins in the Agents Only section of the Store)

Now, if you wish to get Tuxedo Thing and the Free Junior SHIELD Agent upgrade then simply use or redeem the code below.


Does this Special Promo Code still works? Well, the chance of it working is very high because I just used it a few hours ago. Simply log-in to your Super Hero Squad Online account, type-in the Special Promo Code in the Redeem A Code Box, hit the Enter Key or click on the GO button and it will be applied to your account. A brief confirmation message will appear to tell you if the code was applied to your account or not.
Prize Wheel with Gold Coins
(The Prize Wheel with Gold Coins)

If you are successful in applying the Special Promo Code to your account then Tuxedo Thing will be added to your list of Heroes and your account will be upgraded to Junior SHIELD Agent status. I'm just not sure if the upgrade is permanent but, since the Junior SHIELD Agent upgrade is a paid upgrade, I can safely assume that it is not. Anyway, even if it is not permanent, getting to experience it even for a few days is a very good deal specially when it is FREE.

If you would like to take advantage of this Special Promo Code then sign-up for a Free Super Hero Squad Online account now. Super Hero Squad Online is a very interesting Super Hero Themed MMO. It is based on the Super Hero Squad Cartoon and it features all your favorite Marvel Universe Super Heroes like Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine and others.

To Play Super Hero Squad Online, Click Here!